SPOTS, an acronym for St. Philip Ole Timers Society,
is a group comprised of 50+ year old parishioners, who come together once a month to join in some great fun, food and fellowship with one another. Regardless if you are new to the community or have been coming all your life, if you are 50 years old or older, SPOTS warmly invites you to join us for a great evening on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Various SPOTS members volunteer to host each meeting. For more information, please contact the Parish office at (901) 465-8685 or Lisa (Sissy) Farino at (901) 378-0205 or e-mail Sissy at [email protected] |
Our Next Gathering: SPOTS meetings are suspended until further notice due to construction beginning on our expansion project. Questions? Contact Sissy (Lisa) Farino at (901) 378-0205 or email sissy at [email protected] Nuestro próximo encuentro:
Las reuniones de SPOTS se suspenden hasta nuevo aviso debido al inicio de las obras de nuestro proyecto de ampliación. ¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con Sissy (Lisa) Farino en el (901) 378-0205 o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] |
St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
11710 US Highway 64 Somerville, Tennessee 38068 901-465-8685 - Office 901-466-1645 - Fax [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM Spanish Mass Wednesday: 7:00 PM |
Copyright © 2017-2025, St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Somerville, TN 38068